Thursday, June 26, 2014

June 26th

Oh yikes, Bob is something else! Blake has only seen Bob 3 times in the last 3 weeks. Once was a couple Saturdays ago, Bob and Blake got in a fight and Bob dropped him off at my house, the next day was Fathers Day and Blake wanted to spend the day with Bob, so I let him go back. Bob dropped him off at my house again and then because I was at my dads and then my parents house, Blake was home alone all day that day. 
The Friday after that, Blake was hanging out with Mike (who is the 19 yer old son of the woman Bob and the kids are living with) and they were at the Stacy house (Mike was dirt biking on the track) and Bob stopped over, him and Blake got in an argument (he picks fights with Blake) He ended up chasing Blake around the house with a block of wood telling him that he is a 'Stupid F-ing Idiot' and is a waste of space and doesn't even deserve to have a bed (whatever that has to do with anything) so Blake yelled back at him and told him that he is the stupid f-ing idiot. Bob made Mike take Blake to my house and told Jonelle and the kids that Blake is not allowed on the property. 
Bob sends me a text telling me that Blake is out of control and needs to go to military school. Blake treats Bob the same way that Bob treat all of us. Everything disrespectful thing that Blake says or does he learned from Bob.
Blake has finally realized that Bob isn't going to change, I don't know how long this will last though, Bob has a way of making you want to apologize even if you didn't do anything wrong, he can make things hell. Blake and I took Megan to her game on Tuesday and Bob is the coach, we were sitting on the bleachers right behind the bench and Blake and Bob looked at each other, Blake raised his hand up to wave at him and Bob glared at him with disgust and looked away. Blake got tears in his eyes and was quite the rest of the game.He gives you the silent treatment and makes you feel horrible. He turns every situation around so that he is not at fault for anything.  

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

June 17th 2014

So... ya all know that I hate the stupid freaking drama that Bob brings me, I swear that if the kids were little I would leave this state and start over somewhere where he couldn't find us. I keep thinking with each milestone (moving out, getting a divorce, bob losing the house) that things will calm down and we can have a more ‘normal’ life, without all the crap. This guy is going to force me to go into a mental institute (which actually sounds really good right now). I just can’t believe this is my life…its worse than a stupid soap opera. 

I don't even know where to start with this one...funny thing happened, Blake tells me that Bob got all these vitamins (that he has) for free. I ask him how he got them for free, well I guess the woman that he was going to rent the basement from in Chisago/Lindstrom sells this line of vitamins and Bob was going to sell them (under her) so he got them all for free. Then the house and the vitamin thing fell through..He then mentions that this lady use to work with Beth (my counselor) and Beth got her fired. I was floored, for many reasons, one of which is why would a 14 year old even know be involved in a conversation like this and who the heck is this woman now? Beth is super awesome and would never do anything like that. 

Up until now, all I knew about this lady is that she is older (so Blake says, but she is really mid-late 40's) and that Bob met her somewhere and they watched her dogs while she went out of town a couple of times. The kids have been to her house and met her and everything. Also, this is the address that Bob gave me to give to the baseball association so Blake could play on that team (since he was banned from NB because of Bob). 

I go to counseling yesterday and tell Beth that the lady that Bob and the kids were first going to move in with (before thinking about moving in with Eva and now with Jonelle) is saying that she got her fired. Beth's face looked horrified and I explained what I knew of her and we confirmed we were talking about the same person. So this lady was selling vitamins out of her office (which is not legal) and that is why she got fired, nothing to do with Beth and Beth still keeps in touch with this lady and even knows stories about recent guys she had been dating (Could it be Bob? Beth is now going to find out). Guess this lady is a little on the crazy side.. Beth is sure that they were sleeping together cause that is just how she is. Glad I didn't get her for a counselor and glad that my kids are not living with her.

So I say that I wonder how he even met her, and Beth says for sure at the bar and asks if he goes to the 'Brick' in North Branch, this lady used to date the owner of that bar...turns out that is one of Bob's favorite bars, in addition to the Fuse (where Jonelle use to are still is a bartender there). 

Its just so crazy that in a matter of months Bob had 3 woman that are/were willing to let him move in and they know nothing about him, it really makes you think...not to mention that Bob is so eager to move his kids in with women that he doesn't even really know.

Then I get a text from my friend Justin (my boss at my last job), he says that he was in a golf tournament this weekend in Forest Lake and his partner was an attorney from Chisago and they got talking and she ends up knowing Bob and I through hockey. She tell's him that I am a sweetheart and Bob is an asshole....That put a little smile on my face because I don't know this lady but I keep thinking that Bob has everyone fooled in Chisago/Lindstrom, but slowly I think people in that town will also start to see who he really is, just like in North Branch and hopefully he will have to get out of these communities and leave us all alone.